Features Of Inverse Age Carving Instrument
Features Of Inverse Age Carving Instrument

Features of inverse age carving instrument

1. Powerful fat explosion and fat removal. The sound wave with a frequency of 40,000HZ emitted by the strong acoustic wave head which gathers strong sound waves can enter the human body to produce a strong impact on the body’s fat cells and frictional movement between the fat cells, which is effective. It consumes calories and consumes the water of the cells to shrink the fat cells. In addition, when the sound waves are shaken, it can cause strong cracks between the cells. The cells burst instantly and the fat cells are reduced, thereby achieving the effect of fat removal.

2. Dissolve fat, detoxify the lymph, firm skin, and enhance skin elasticity. Using the most advanced RF technology and energy radio frequency in one, it can directly reach the fat body, and has the excellence of targeted radio frequency output, so that the fat cell tissue is rapidly active. In the state of the body, the thermal energy of the cell body is generated to cause frictional heat, which increases the local temperature. Excess fat and toxins are expelled from the body through sweat glands, liver-gut circulation, and lymph to achieve the effect of dissolving fat.

3.Improving cellulite tissue and slimming body The biological waves generated by the energy electrodes of the instrument stimulate the corresponding acupuncture points of the body. Using different frequencies and pulses, a variety of physical and electronic interactions can effectively interact with the fat body. Stimulates and moves the body, thereby consuming calories and fat again to achieve body-building effects.

4.Introduction of magnetic therapy and health technology
Magnet has the functions of activating cell energy and promoting blood circulation; removing free radicals in blood vessel walls, reducing blood viscosity and blood lipids; sedation, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and swelling; improving body immunity;

5.Anti-aging acid balance-According to the theory of acid-base balance and acid-base neutralization, a large number of acid substances are collected in the diseased part of the human body.Acid substances are what we call wastes that are not metabolized by the human body. The carving instrument combines several functions of light, electricity, magnetism, and infrared rays to achieve soothing, physical therapy, and beauty functions for modern sub-health conditions; through vacuum suction, far-infrared rays, magnetic therapy, and photoelectricity, unblock the lymphatic channels , Accelerate the body’s metabolism, blood circulation, accelerate the metabolism of toxins and the absorption of nutrients, alleviate pain, maintain health, and thus play the role of acid removal and acid correction. .

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