Lift and tighten—HIFU—Young skin
Lift and tighten—HIFU—Young skin

Young skin Beauty Machine


Young skin is an anti-aging skin firming device that combines Israel’s focus radio frequency and American HIFU anti-aging technology into one. As the post-show of the non-invasive anti-aging family, the focus technology reaches the SMAS layer: comprehensive, three-dimensional, precise skin firming The best treatment for skin shape, the single and bipolar compound treatment of the Deep Blue Firming System, can quickly make the temperature of the dermis and subcutaneous fat layer reach 50-55°, bringing about skin compaction, anchoring point enhancement, collagen regeneration and fat metabolism Speed ​​up the four major changes. At the same time, PMT wave matching technology can improve the blood supply and metabolism of the ovaries and uterus. While firming and shaping, it can comprehensively solve the problem of aging, at the same time, it can warm the palace and raise the nest, and deeply care for the health of postpartum women! It refreshed everyone’s understanding of non-invasive skin beauty

HIFU: A device that uses a focused transducer to selectively and intensively transmit at a specified location to solidify and contract temperature changes according to the amount of energy to produce collagen and elastin. Simply put, it uses a convex lens to burn paper. HI-FU is used to treat cancer cells deep in the body. The same principle uses focused transducers in the dermis and SMAS to lift, remove wrinkles and tighten



1. Non-invasive treatment
2. There is no repair period, you can put on makeup immediately
3. Global exclusive focus on dual combination of radio frequency technology
4. Three-dimensional reconstruction
5. No need for surgery, long-lasting effect
6. Replace skin lift
7, instead of protein embedding surgery
8. Innovative segmented volume heating anti-aging form


1. Improve skin tone
2. Eliminate fine lines
3. Improve firmness
4. Shaping the contour
5. Firming and rejuvenation
6. Improve skin activity
7. Get rid of eye bags and dark circles
Stimulate collagen growth
8. Boost breasts and tighten auxiliary breasts
9. Dredge the breast, activate blood vessels and prevent hyperplasia


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